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Scrum Master Protégé

Empowering Tomorrow's Tech Innovators

Utilizing junior Scrum Masters offers several benefits to your team and organization:

  • Fresh perspective
    Just as a new ingredient to a family-favorite recipe can enhance its flavor and complexity, embedding junior Scrum Masters into your organization stimulates new ideas and viewpoints, enriching the outcome. 
  • Investing in cost-effective talent
    While these proverbial "diamonds-in-the-rough" may require polishing, investing in their training and development transforms them into valuable assets, delivering high-quality results at a fraction of the cost of hiring experienced professionals.
  • Scalability
    As your Agile practices mature, you'll likely need more Scrum Masters to support multiple teams. Scaling with junior talent is like expanding an orchestra with young musicians whose fresh talent and energy create greater harmony and synergy across the organization. 
  • Adaptability
    Being free of poor habits developed in traditional methodologies, junior talent is a blank canvas.  They quickly learn and implement Agile principles and practices tailored to your organization's needs.

Guiding to Greatness

While hiring junior Scrum Masters has its advantages, it's essential to provide them with adequate support, mentorship, and training to ensure their success in the role and the overall success of your Agile adoption. 

Dev10’s Scrum Master Protégé Track is a complete solution — from resource selection to training to ongoing mentorship and support. 

The icing on the cake? You can hire the best and brightest after just six months!

Dev10 Image - Walking Log

Protégés complete an intensive three-week curriculum which includes coursework in:

  • Multiple delivery methodologies: Scrum, Agile, SAFe, Waterfall, and Hybrid
  • Team leadership, coaching, and collaboration
  • Meeting facilitation
  • Effective business communication
  • Conflict management and escalation techniques
  • Essential reporting
  • Effective senior leader engagement
  • Two-day Certified Scrum Master certification prep

Protégés are CSM and SAFe certified

CSM and SAFe transparent

During client assignments, protégés are mentored through:

Weekly one-to-one meetings with a Dev10 Agile Coach to discuss specific challenges or obstacles  
Weekly group lunch-and-learn sessions to deepen Agile knowledge  
On-demand access to a
Dev10 Agile Coach

Want Dev10 Protégés to Enhance Your Team?

Schedule a meeting today!