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August 2024 Demo Day Winners

My final project is titled Recipio. My goal was to simplify the process of searching the web for a recipe when every recipe website has a small novel and a torrent of ads before you can even get to the recipe. I used python to scrape the web for 300,000+ recipes from AllRecipes.com and Food.com to create my recipe database. Then I utilized Hadoop's implementation of Map-Reduce to construct an inverted-index of TFIDF values based on the terms contained within the recipe. This allowed me to query my database in constant time for relevant recipes and build a user app that allowed users to search the database, save recipes they liked making to come back to later, and create restaurants which they could add other users (possibly their employees, for example) to in order to share recipes among a group.

My project was Snack Stories, a cozy place to read webnovels. Webnovels are basically unfinished stories with frequent updates, which allows readers to interact with a story as it's being written. My focus was on giving users a seamless experience while giving many opportunities for communication between reader and authors. I used Java Spring for the backend with React with Vite for the frontend. My learning goal was to learn Spring Data JPA, which is part of Spring, which abstracts away a big part of the boilerplate code needed for the data access layer.

My capstone project is a Fantasy F1 application that takes inspiration from Fantasy Football, and allows users to create and manage their own F1 teams, select drivers, and simulate races against historical data! The application is built using React for the front-end, providing a dynamic and interactive user experience, a Java backend for handling server-side operations, and Bootstrap for responsive design and styling. User authentication and management are handled through Amazon Cognito, ensuring secure and customizable login functionality. Cognito's built-in security features, such as user sign-up confirmation, protect user data and prevent unauthorized access to the application. Overall, building this project has been lengthy and complicated, but the end result is now a proud achievement I look upon fondly!

A full-stack music discovery application that recommends songs, artists, and charts based on user habits. It features a Java Spring and MySQL back-end, with a React and Redux-powered front-end for a user-centered experience. The application uses centralized state management to provide personalized music suggestions and enhance discovery.

My final project is called BookNook, it is a web app where users can search for, join, and start their own book clubs. It focuses on connecting readers with shared interests and providing a platform to organize and participate in club activities. With BookNook, users can easily find or start book clubs that match their reading preferences. For my additional technology, I used AWS S3, a cloud storage service provided by Amazon that offers scalable and secure storage for various types of data. I utilized it to enable users to upload and store photos for their book clubs, ensuring reliable access and efficient management of images within the app.

Coink is a budgeting application that pulls data from the Plaid API, a platform that connects to major financial institutions like Chase or Bank of America. Users can connect their bank accounts and sync their transaction data to Coink's database, which will populate in the application. Users can also create budgets to help them control spending.
June 2024 Demo Day Winners

For her project, Leeya created a website that addressed the challenge of finding reliable beauty service providers. The platform, which she built from scratch, serves as a one-stop shop where users can discover professionals, browse through their portfolios, and leave reviews about their experiences. Service providers can also use the site to accept bookings and manage their schedules.

In response to the passing of his father, Erik undertook the mission of creating an intuitive and protective solution for his mother’s car maintenance. Leveraging Spring Security, he built a web application that secured sensitive data and instilled user confidence. The PostgreSQL Database ensured reliability and scalability, while Spring Data JPA streamlined data access.